Thursday, December 15, 2005


Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) - 15 Disember 2005 - Our world in the 21st century is filled with conflict and violence. The Peace Dividend still remains elusive. Increasing tensions on the world scene, escalating terrorism, religious intolerance, relentless environmental degradation, and the systematic violation of human rights demonstrate now more than ever the need to understand the diverse roots of conflicts, as well as the links between peace...

Kunjungan Bro. Khalid Farouk dari Sri Lanka

Anjung Rahmat - 13 Disember 2005 - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) telah dikunjungi Bro. Khalid Farouk dari Sri Lanka. Beliau merupakan Konsultan Hal-Ehwal Belia Islam, Perhimpunan Belia Sedunia (WAY). Belia berkunjung ke ABIM untuk berkenalan dengan Exco ABIM yang baru dan mengajak ABIM untuk membuat program belia Islam serantau bersama WAY. GPTD harus mengambil peluang keemasan ini untuk melebarkan jaringan ke negara Islam yang bersama terlibat...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

GPTD China New Office

GPTD China now belonging their own office in GPTD secretariat sharing with Persatuan Pelajar Islam Asia Tenggara (Pepiat) or in English Southeast Asian Muslim Student Association as well as ABIM-GPM Volunteer Centre (AGVC). Pepiat is led by Bro. Suhail Ahmad who is in the same time a PKPIM President meanwhile GPTD China and AGVC currently led by Mohd Ahkmal Mohd Noor who is also in the same time a GPTD Assistant Coordinator 2.Above is GPTD China...

Lawatan ke Sekolah Kanak-Kanak Spastik

Petaling Jaya, Selangor - 27 Oktober 2005- Grup Pengkaji Tamadun Dunia (GPTD) dan Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) telah mengadakan lawatan ke Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Spastik Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor. Cik Fauziah Tahar selaku Pengetua sekolah tersebut telah memberikan penerangan tentang pengurusan dan aktiviti persekolahan di situ. Lawatan ini diketuai oleh saudara Mohd Akhmal Mohd Noor, Penolong Penyelaras 2 GPTD.*Edisi...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Zain Bhikha - A Nasyidian From South Africa

Anjung Rahmat - December 9, 2005 - ABIM had organized "In Person" with an uprising Nasyidian from South Africa, Bro. Zain Bhikha. Zain Bhikha was born on the 9 August 1974 in Pretoria, South Africa to parents Rashid and Mariam Bhikha. The only son, with three sisters, Zain showed a keen interest, from a young age in entertaining his friends and family with his beautiful singing.Zain was not aware of his full potential until 1994 when he won a singing...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Asean Civil Society Conference

UITM, Shah Alam - December 7 - Centre for ASEAN Studies has initiated the ASEAN Civil Society Conference which was held from 7th to 9th December 2005, in conjunction with the 11th ASEAN Summit Malaysia is playing host to this year. The organiser are hopeful that the theme of the conference , 'Building A Common Future Together ' will provide a framework from where stakeholders can move forward to concretise ideas and concepts into workable solutions...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kunjungan GPTD Kemboja ke Pejabat GPTD

Anjung Rahmat - 4 Disember - GPTD menerima kunjungan daripada GPTD Kemboja seramai 5 orang yang rata-rata semuanya belajar di Kolej Dar al-Hikmah, Kajang. Taklimat mengenai operasi GPTD telah disampaikan oleh saudara Mohd Khairudin Mohd Nor iaitu Penyelaras GPTD yang baru. Mereka sedang giat menjalankan persiapan untuk melakukan khidmat sosial di Kemboja susulan dari projek pertama iaitu pada bulan Mei yang lepas. GPTD Kemboja yang mendapat bimbingan...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Kenali Al-Imam Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad

Ampang, Kuala Lumpur - 3 Disember 2005 - Semenjak peninggalan Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi bin Muhammad Al-Haddad hampir tiga ratus tahun yang lalu, cahaya ilmunya terus mengalir dan menyentuh kalbu sesiapa sahaja yang diberi taufiq oleh Allah s.w.t. untuk mempelajarinya. Dengan tujuan mengingati serta mencebis sedikit pengajaran dan barakah yang sekian lama ditaburi dan dimafaati oleh sebahagian umat Islam di merata dunia, maka satu majlis hol...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Smiles Of Thousand Happiness…

Tasmania, Australia - November 20, 2005 - Alhamdulillah, Hobart Mosque was officially opened by Dato' Sri Effendi Norwawi. He came to Hobart with 8 of his colleagues who are ex- student of University OF Tasmania. Sitting in front from left, Dato' Dr. Hasan Ismail, Madehi Kolek, Ex-Lord Mayor of Sarawak, Me, Dato Sri Effendi Norwawi, Imam Sabri, Dr Ameer Ali, AFIC President, Haroon Hanan, President of Islamic Centre Of Tasmania Trust Inc. Dato Dr...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Humanitarian Forum 2005

Nov 29, 2005 - The Grand Plaza Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur - Islamic Relief Malaysia Berhad had organized Workshop on Building partnership between Muslim NGOs and the International Community. Bro. Azril Mohd Amin, Vice President of ABIM, Bro. Shirajuddin Sirat, GPM Manager and Bro. Jufitri Joha, GPTD Chairman had participated in this very beneficial workshop. For more info please surf www.islamic-relief.com.my. Islamic Relief is an international...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Universal Peace Federation

Nov 26, 2005 - Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre - Inaugural Convocation of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) was held adressed by the founder of UPF, Dr. Sun Myung Moon. GPTD Chairman, Bro. Jufitri Joha attended this program. The Universal Peace Federation (Peace Federation) was founded by Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon on September 12, 2005, as a global alliance of religious, academic, political and civic leaders, and organizations joined together to...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Dakwah to Non Muslim - Eri Ota

As Al-Fadhil Al-Ustaz Fahmi Zam-zam said in one of his tasauf class in Anjung Rahmat,"We have to introduce Islam to the world". Our dakwah not only focusing non-Muslim in Malaysia but across the border. In line with this quotation, GPTD had one step a head to has a spirit of spreading Islam to the entire world including Japan. Recently, one Japanese girl came to Malaysia to visit her friends including Bro. Jufitri Joha (GPTD Chairman). Bro. Jufitri...

Pakistan Kashmir Need Your Help

November 22, 2005 - Damansara Specialist Hospital - Bro. Jufitri Joha (GPTD Chairman) and Bro. Khairudin (GPTD Coordinator) attended Global Peace Mission (GPM) coordination meeting on Kashmir Pakistan Earthquake aid. GPM will be sending its 4th mission to Balakot to continue relief work. Chairman of the meeting, Dr. Daud who is also GPM Exco member said that the situation overthere getting worst because of the winter season. The winter is expected...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

First Gathering on Hajj Research

November 20, 2005 - Anjung Rahmat, - GPTD Makkah organized first gathering for the participant of Hajj Research. Around 19 participants attended the gathering. Bro. Abdul Rahim Abdullah (ABIM Makkah) delivered a briefing on Hajj research for almost one and half hours. GPTD Makkah also launched their official website for the research purpose at http://www.gptd-makkah.blogspot.c...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Nippon Maru in West Port, Port Klang

November 12, 2005 - West Port, Port Klang - GPTD Chairman, Bro. Jufitri Joha attended reunion dinner SSEAYP on board of the Nippon Maru (Japan Ship). The reunion dinner was organized for the ex-Malaysia Participating Youth (PY) in The Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP). Bro. Jufitri is the ex-PY for 2004. SSEAYP is the program where all the PY from Japan and Southeast Asian are gathered in Nippon Maru and the ship will sail to almost...

Friday, November 18, 2005

Malay Language Camp in Krabi, Thailand

November 12, 2005 - Krabi, Thailand - A meeting between Koperasi Belia Islam Berhad (KBI), World Civilization Research Group (GPTD) and Islamic Cooperative Network of Thailand was held on Tuesday, 12 November 2005. Three delegates from Malaysia i.e. Encik Wan Abdul Rahman (KBI), Shakir Fahmi (GPTD) and Lokman (GPM) went to Krabi province in western part of Thailand to discuss about the preparation Malay Language Camp that will be held in this coming...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Khabar Saudara Khairul Nizam Di Madinah

16 November 2005 / 14 Syawal 1426H - Madinah Al-Munawwarah - Salam dihulurkan buat teman-teman yang berjuang dalam wadah ini GPTD Megatrend...moga Allah terus merealisasi segala impian yang telah digarapkan...ana sentiasa mendoakan dari Haramain Assyarifain GPTD akan terus menjadi qudwah kepada ummah dan sentiasa berada dibawah sinaran Al-quran+Sunnah dan manhaj salafussoleh...Buat tatapan ikwah ditanah air...program ana di sini sepanjang Syawal...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Research On Hajj

Hajj is one of the yearly biggest agenda for Muslims all over the world. Kingdom of Arab Saudi as the host for this event has accommodated the pilgrims with good services for the pilgrims so that they may complete their religious worship smoothly and comfortably. However, Research and Development is seems to be an important element to evaluate the efficiency and how far the service provided, gives satisfaction to the pilgrims.Therefore, World Civilization...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Jejak Warisan Team 2003 Eid Gathering

November 6, 2005 - Seremban, Negeri Sembilan - Jejak Warisan Team 2003 (JW03) to Christmas Island (CI) had successfully organized an Eid Gathering. Among those present in that particular gathering were ex-JW03 members, Bro. Kamarul Ariffin and his wife Nurul, Nina, Huda, Azla, Chip, Hurrey. Bro. Jufitri as the GPTD Chairman and ex JW03 member also present to facilitate the discussion of follow-up program for JW03. Among the output of the discussion...

Pengalaman Raya di Makkah

Salam buat teman2 di tanah air...ana nak sambung lagi cite mekah yang barakah...ana ditakdirkan datang menjadi tetamu Allah buat kali yangke3...Allah karim..pangilan Ka'bah begitu kuat..hingga melupakan ana kepadalaungan takbir raya,lemang,ketupat,meriam buluh sanak saudara yang dicintaiditanah air..inilah kali pertama ana berpisah dgn suasana raya ditanah airyang jauh berbeza..x de lagu raya syarifah aini,siti,sudirman...yang adahanya teman2 dari...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Eid Greeting From Hobart, Tasmania

Segala Puja dan Puji hanya layak untuk Illahi, Rabbul A’lameen. Syukur atas kurniaanNya yang tidak terbatas kerana telah memilih kita untuk menjadi hamba serta khalifahnya dimuka bumi ini. Pasti tidak terbayar pula pada nikmat Islam dan Iman yang dikurniakan keatas kita, lantas menjadikan kita semua bersaudara pada satu ikatan kalimah yang merungkai segala perselisihan, pertelingkahan, dan perbezaan diri. Kelebihan dan kekurangan diri bukanlah menjadi...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Eid Celebration

GPTD would like to say Happy Eid Celebration and Selamat Hari Raya especially to all GPTD members, Bro. Noryzal in Tasmania, Bro. Khairul Nizam in Makkah, Our friends in Bangladesh, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Russia, UK, Cambodia and whereever you are.GPTD would like to urge to all GPTD members to work hard especially after coming back from Eid to serve the world community and to introduce islam to the entire of the world. Please get prepare GPTD...

Hospital Visit - Kuala Lumpur General Hospital

Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Sabtu 29 Oktober 2005 – ABIM dengan kerjasama pasukan sukarelawan ziarah hospital Islamic Outreach ABIM (IOA) telah mengadakan program penyerahan bungkusan kuih raya sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada para pesakit di Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Sebanyak 300 bungkusan kuih telah diedarkan kepada para pesakit di wad-wad Ortopedik, Neurologi, Onkologi dan Nefrologi. Barisan EXCO ABIM yang turut hadir di program ini diketuai oleh...

Friday, October 28, 2005

A New GPTD Coordinator

"My full name is MOHD KHAIRUDIN BIN MOHD NOR but people used to call me ‘Dino’ (nickname). I was born in General Hospital of Malacca on 27th of May 1982 and now I’m 23 years old. I’m the second child of 4 siblings of a couple named Mohd Nor Bin Mohamed and Saniah Bte Abd Rahim (parent). I was raised in Kampung Ujung Pasir Malacca for 17 years and now I’m living in Taman Seri Telok Mas Malacca. I’m a 4th year law student (2005) of the International...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Kebesaran Allah Sepanjang Kembara di Serambi Mekah

"SEBAGAI seorang mahasiswa perubatan, kelapangan waktu amat sukar diperoleh. Dengan cuti yang sedikit, ditambah bebanan pelajaran dan harapan menggunung para pensyarah, peluang untuk berkhidmat lama sebagai sukarelawan amatlah sukar didapati. Namun, salah sebuah tugasan di dalam kurikulum perubatan ialah tugasan elektif, iaitu mahasiswa diberi masa enam minggu, dibenarkan membuat apa sahaja, sama ada kajian atau sekadar tugasan biasa, di mana-mana...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Malays in Baitullah

October 26, 2005 / Ramadhan 22, 1426H - Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Kuala Lumpur - Good Luck to Brother Khairul Nizam (GPTD Makkah Leader)! He departed from KLIA at 5 pm this evening to Jeddah by Saudi Airlines to join the Seminar Malays in Baitullah in Makkah. He will assist and promote this seminar to the guest of Umrah especially from Malaysia to join this seminar. This seminar is scheduled to be organized daily from 15 Ramadhan...

Soweto Islamic Development Programmes, South Africa

October 25, 2005 / Ramadhan 21, 1426H - Anjung Rahmat, Kuala Lumpur - ABIM received a guest from South Africa, Sister Semetjane B.M. @ Maryam. She is now in Malaysia doing her task of collecting donations and seeking sponsorship for Mosque and Private School in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa.During the discussion with her, she who is coverted Christian Methodist said that there is great potential for the spread of Islam within the Black communities...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Cheng Ho (1405-1433) telah berjaya menakluki dunia melalui tujuh ekspedisi pelayaran ke Lautan Hindi dan Lautan Pasifik Barat dari benua Asia sehinggalah ke Afrika serta berlabuh di 30 buah negara. Kejayaan tokoh ini membuktikan negara China mempunyai kemahiran yang tinggi dalam bidang teknologi pembinaan kapal dan pelayaran. Pelayar kurun ke-15 Dinasti Ming, dijadikan sida-sida putera Zhu Di pada umur 13 tahun dan merupakan sida-sida pertama menjawat...

60th Anniversary of the United Nations' birth

October 24, National Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur - Dozens of international leaders and civilians of all over the globe celebrated the 60th anniversary of the United Nations' birth, but warned that the organization must institute significant reforms to remain an effective global peacekeeper. Brother Azril Mohd Amin (ABIM Vice President) and Brother Jufitri Joha (GPTD Chairman) attended Celebration of United Nations 60th anniversary which was held...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Media Launch Ceremony of The Documentary "Malay in Baitullah"

Hence, the full text speech of Vice President of ABIM, Brother Azril Mohd Amin in Media Launch Ceremony of the documentary entitled "Malay in Baitullah" which was held yesterday, Oct 20, 2005 at Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia:"Alhamdulillah, setinggi – tinggi kesyukuran di rafa’kan ke hadrat Ilahi. Pada April 2005 lalu, Grup Pengkaji Tamadun Dunia Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (GPTD ABIM) telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menjalankan kajian mengenai...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Jejak Rasul 11: Turki bantu Aceh lawan Portugal

"ISTANBUL, Turki pernah dikenali sebagai ‘Islambul’ yang bermaksud Kota Islam yang dibelah dua oleh Selat Bosphorus, memisahkan benua Asia dari Eropah.Menara masjid yang kelihatan di mana saja di kota itu menggambarkan pengaruh Islam yang kuat sepanjang 471 tahun era Uthmaniyah di Istanbul. Sejak 1453 hingga 1924 iaitu dari detik Muhammad Al-Fateh membuka kota Constantinople hingga ke saat Mustafa Kamal Atarturk mengisytiharkan berakhirnya institusi...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Ihya Ramadhan Program

October 15-16, 2005 - Taman Melati, Kuala Lumpur - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) dengan kerjasama saluran televisyen Ansar (MITV) dan Masjid Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi serta Kementerian Belia dan Sukan telah menganjurkan Program Penghayatan Ramadhan 2005/1426H pada 15-16 Oktober 2005. Pelbagai aktiviti dan program menarik telah dilaksanakan sepanjang dua hari program tersebut berlangsung di Masjid Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi, Taman Melati, Kuala Lumpur....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Kashmir Earthquake Humanitarian Fund

PAKISTAN, 14 Oktober, - MISI pertama Global Peace Mission Malaysia (GPM), telah selamat tiba di Pakistan. Kumpulan pertama ini diketuai oleh En. Shirajuddin Sirat, Pengurus GPM. Turut serta dalam misi ini ialah Sdr. Mohd Iqbal Abu Bakar (koordinator projek GPM), Dr. Hasan Mat (Pakar Bedah Umum Hospital Kajang Plaza), Dr. Abdul Razak Mohammed (Pakar Bedah Kanak-Kanak, Hospital Pakar Damansara) serta 2 orang pemberita TV3. Misi pertama ini tiba di...

GPM and GPTD Exhibition in Help University College

Oct 12, 2005 - Pusat Bandar Damansara, Kuala Lumpur - Global Peace Mission (GPM) and GPTD had made an exhibition on humanitarian and social service at Help University College. Many social NGOs took part in this exhibition including New China Link (NCL). NCL is a volunteer service agency for rural China (specifically Guizhou Province). Their focus is on integral human development. They provide basic education, drinking water, rural healthcare and...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Salaam from Timor-Leste

"Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Brother. On behalf of all muslim community of Timor-Leste ( East Timor ), President of Centro da Comunidade Islamica de Timor-Leste, and all of us at Timor-Leste, we sent you our warmest greetings and good wishes to you. May Allah s.w.t. bestow His Grace and Compassion upon us and our loved ones in abundance by virtue of the holy month of Ramadhan.Shahru Ramadhan Al Mubarak! Wassalam". Arif Abdullah SagranPresidentCentro...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Noryzal Zainal Abidin (BBA '04) - Imam, Hobart Mosque

Br. Noryzal Zainal Abidin is an exceptional example of volunteerism and da'awah blended into one. This 25 years old Economics graduate volunteered to be the imam in in Hobart, Tasmania as part of a programme organized by Grup Pengkaji Tamadun Dunia (GPTD) and Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). His task is sponsored by the Global Peace Mission (GPM) and Persatuan Kebangsaan Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). Br.Ahmad Azam, President of ABIM (no longer now)...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

From Sri Lanka With Love

Hence, excerpt from the email Shameer Ramzeenfrom Colombo, Sri Lanka..."Assalamu Allikum, How are u brother Jufitri Joha, yes, I remember u very well. Things a ok over here as the Presidential Elections are in mid November.Happy to hear your comming (GPTD) to Sri Lanka this Nov, you are welcome. Pls do contact me when you come, give you my contact no. Call me when you in colombo.Mobile No: 0773 203 922. See u soon in Colombo...."slamat,Shameer ...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

GPTD New Advisors

GPTD had appointed 2 news advisors, Br. Yusri Mohamad (ABIM New President) and Br. Muhammad Suhail Ahmad (PKPIM New President). Besides them, GPTD advisory board comprises of Br. Ahmad Azam Abdul Rahman (Global Peace Mission Chairman), Associate Prof.Dr.Sidin Md Ishak (UM Lecturer) and Madam Ainon Mohd. (Motivation and Lateral Thinking Expertis...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

News From Cocos (Keeling) Island Australia

Hence, excerpt from the email (in Cocos Malay Language) of Hj Adam from Cocos Island... "Alhamdulillah rabil'alamin, Assalamua'alaikum. Pertanyaan saya apa khabar kawan ku Jufitri dan rakan-rakan? Munkin dalam kadaadan sehat yah! Kalau kadaan sehat tidak salah saya dan keliwarga mengucap kan selamat menyambut bulan kaum muslim yang itu bulan ramadan almubarak dan selamat menunai kan ibadat puasa.Tulong sampaui kan salam kepada kawan kawan yang lain...

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Ship for World Youth

The Ship for World Youth (SWY) is a unique international cultural exchange program organised by the Government of Japan. The most prestigious program of its kind, SWY brings together over 250 youth from around the world to learn about international cooperation and understanding. Over a two-month period, participants are involved in a wide range of activities aimed at fostering cultural sensitivity, understanding and friendship. Most of the program...

Report on JUST’s 4th Young Leadership Programme.

September 23-25, 2005 - Genting Highlands - JUST’s 4th Young Leadership Programme was held from 22-25 September 2005 in Genting Permai Park and Resort, Genting Highland. It was attended by 28 participants from various NGOs. It was under the theme “Youth: Empowerment for Change.” On the first day, there was have an introductory remark by one of the speaker of JUST and on that night they have the first session with the title Global Trends: Challenges...

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Merujuk kepada akhbar Utusan Malaysia, Selasa 20 September yang lalu, yang melaporkan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad menyatakan Mustafa Kamal (Ataturk) sebagai ‘menyelamatkan Islam di Turki dan menyelamatkan Turki untuk Islam’. Beliau dilaporkan membuat kenyataan tersebut semasa menyampaikan ucaptama pada Seminar Al-Quran Peringkat Antarabangsa 2005 di Kuala Lumpur pada 19 September.Tindakan beliau itu amat dikesali dan tidak berdasarkan fakta yang tepat....

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Social Service in Cocos Islands, Australia

Sept 27, 2005 - Malacca - Congratulation to Bro. Mohammad Khairol bin Khalid for being selected to be sent to Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia. He is expected to be our social activist there beginning March 2006. There is a Malays community overthere that need to be served in term of Fardhu Ain and Al-Quran teaching.The Cocos (Keeling) Islands are located in the Indian Ocean at latitude 12°10' south and longitude 96°52' east. They are 2 950 km...

Saudi Arabia National Day

Sept 23, 2005 - Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur - GPTD Mecca led by Bro. Khairul Nizam Zainan Nazri (see picture: Bro. Khairul on the right chat with the Saudi Arabia National Day guest) attended Saudi Arabia National Day. This is one of the GPTD Mecca activities in order to understand the culture of Saudi Arabia people. GPTD is planning to continue their mission to Mecca this coming Hajj season on Decemb...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Ship For Southeast Asia - Japan Youth Program (SSEAYP)

Sept 24, 2005 - Kuala Lumpur - GPTD members should take an opportunity to join the program called "The Ship For Southeast Asia-Japan Youth Program" (SSEAYP). The Ship for Southeast Asia Youth Programme (hereafter refers as SSEAYP) was created by the respective joint statements issued in January 1974 among the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand, and Japan. The Programme...