Thursday, January 27, 2005

Moving to a new office

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GPTD is going to move to a new office situated in the same Anjung Rahmat Complex. It's going to be placed at the first floor near Seminar Rooms in Anjung Rahmat. The office will be operated in the early month of February 2005. It would be more convenient and bigger place for the volunteers to have meetings as well as any discussion with regard to their movements.

For that result, GPTD is now inviting ALL VOLUNTEERS to lend their hands in order to help us in technical work by moving out all items concerned from our present office to the new office. The matters should be referred as follows:

29th January 2005


Anjung Rahmat

Proper attire (e.g. : sport attire)

Some items have been moved to the new office last Tuesday by some of our volunteers. GPTD highly appreciated those volunteers for their commitment. The more commitment given, the better volunteer we have..

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

GPTD Mainboard Induction 2005

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An induction was held for two days from 15th January 2005 to 16th January 2005 at Taman Cempaka Height, Melaka. The induction was purposedly held to discuss among the mainboard and group leaders about GPTD planning for the whole year. It includes programmes to be held, management and administration, and membership matters.

This event was officiated by GPTD Patron, En. Ahmad Azam Abdul Rahman who was accompanied by Secretary General of PKPIM, Mr. Azwiral Bukhairi Abd Aziz. The opening remark by GPTD Patron was highly appreciated as it explained further the concept of our mevement. He also emphasized on the importance of spreading rahmat lil 'alamin. The bondage between ABIM-PKPIM-GPTD should be understood as in the identical line.

Other agendas in the induction were muhasabah session, discussion on mission of GPTD for 2005, brainstorming of programmes to be held for that year and closing ceremony.

PKPIM President, Mr. Mohd Raimi Ab Rahim has attended the induction for closing ceremony. He stressed on the importance of having a muslim-student-worldwide-association as to compete with other religious body such as Asian Pasific Catholic Student Movement. "We are now far behind those societies who take the lead to spread their beliefs to the people of the earth,"said Mr. President.

The induction was then ended by fulfilling an invitation to a wedding ceremony of Christmas Island citizens in Kampung Pulai, Melaka.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Komander Abdul Rahman bertemu Penaung GPTD

Pada 7 Januari 2005 lepas, Komander Abdul Rahman telah datang bertemu Penaung GPTD di pejabat beliau. Pertemuan pertama kali ini bertujuan mengenali dengan lebih dekat antara satu sama lain selain menghantar borang keahlian ABIM secara terus kepada Presiden.

Komander Abdul Rahman adalah antara penyumbang yang kerap membantu dalam projek GPTD. Sumbangan pertama beliau diberikan kepada Sdr. Muhammad Suhail Ahmad sewaktu ke Pulau Krismas tahun lepas. Seterusnya, dalam projek yang sama, Sdr. Khairil turut dibantu. Beliau juga secara sukarela menawarkan bantuan kewangan kepada ahli-ahli GPTD untuk projek-projek yang akan datang.

GPTD dengan ini mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan atas sumbangan yang telah diberikan beliau. Semoga Allah merahmati beliau dan diberkati segala rezeki yang diperolehi. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


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Kunjungan ke Selatan Thailand diketuai saudara Hammad, Exco SPEKTRA PKPIM diiringi oleh saudara Suhail, Naib Presiden (Antarabangsa) PKPIM dan En. Wan Abdul Rahman (KBI) selaku pengurus delegasi. Peserta lain terdiri daripada 7 ahli PKPIM dan GPTD, dan seorang wartawan yang sedang bercuti.

Kunjungan disambut oleh Young Muslim Association of Thailand (YMAT)dan diuruskan oleh mereka. YMAT dihormati kerajaan Thailand kerana telah membantu kerajaan dalam merawat penagih dadah. Van YMAT yang dinaiki tidak pernah dihalang sepanjang perjalanan sekalipun banyak halangan jalanraya (roadblock) diadakan oleh pihak tentera.

Antara tempat yang dilawati :
1)Sekretariat YMAT (berbincang mengenai hubungan antarabangsa PKPIM-YMAT)
2)Masjid Kerisik (peristiwa pembunuhan beramai-ramai dalam masjid)
3)Masjid Wadil Husin (masjid tanpa paku dan di belakang ditempatkan kubur beberapa mangsa Tak Bai)
4)Majlis Agama Islam Narathiwat (mendapatkan maklumat terkini Tak Bai)
5)Kawasan tragedi Tak Bai
6)Darul Aitam wal masakin lil banat (rumah anak yatim)
7)Pantai Shamila (tempat Us. Sulong dibunuh dan dibuang ke laut)

Keadaan semuanya baik dan delegasi tiba ke Kuala Lumpur dalam keadaan sihat dan selamat walaupun tsunami baru berlaku. Bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana perjalanan dipermudahkanNya.