Thursday, December 15, 2005


Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) - 15 Disember 2005 - Our world in the 21st century is filled with conflict and violence. The Peace Dividend still remains elusive. Increasing tensions on the world scene, escalating terrorism, religious intolerance, relentless environmental degradation, and the systematic violation of human rights demonstrate now more than ever the need to understand the diverse roots of conflicts, as well as the links between peace...

Kunjungan Bro. Khalid Farouk dari Sri Lanka

Anjung Rahmat - 13 Disember 2005 - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) telah dikunjungi Bro. Khalid Farouk dari Sri Lanka. Beliau merupakan Konsultan Hal-Ehwal Belia Islam, Perhimpunan Belia Sedunia (WAY). Belia berkunjung ke ABIM untuk berkenalan dengan Exco ABIM yang baru dan mengajak ABIM untuk membuat program belia Islam serantau bersama WAY. GPTD harus mengambil peluang keemasan ini untuk melebarkan jaringan ke negara Islam yang bersama terlibat...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

GPTD China New Office

GPTD China now belonging their own office in GPTD secretariat sharing with Persatuan Pelajar Islam Asia Tenggara (Pepiat) or in English Southeast Asian Muslim Student Association as well as ABIM-GPM Volunteer Centre (AGVC). Pepiat is led by Bro. Suhail Ahmad who is in the same time a PKPIM President meanwhile GPTD China and AGVC currently led by Mohd Ahkmal Mohd Noor who is also in the same time a GPTD Assistant Coordinator 2.Above is GPTD China...

Lawatan ke Sekolah Kanak-Kanak Spastik

Petaling Jaya, Selangor - 27 Oktober 2005- Grup Pengkaji Tamadun Dunia (GPTD) dan Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) telah mengadakan lawatan ke Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Spastik Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor. Cik Fauziah Tahar selaku Pengetua sekolah tersebut telah memberikan penerangan tentang pengurusan dan aktiviti persekolahan di situ. Lawatan ini diketuai oleh saudara Mohd Akhmal Mohd Noor, Penolong Penyelaras 2 GPTD.*Edisi...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Zain Bhikha - A Nasyidian From South Africa

Anjung Rahmat - December 9, 2005 - ABIM had organized "In Person" with an uprising Nasyidian from South Africa, Bro. Zain Bhikha. Zain Bhikha was born on the 9 August 1974 in Pretoria, South Africa to parents Rashid and Mariam Bhikha. The only son, with three sisters, Zain showed a keen interest, from a young age in entertaining his friends and family with his beautiful singing.Zain was not aware of his full potential until 1994 when he won a singing...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Asean Civil Society Conference

UITM, Shah Alam - December 7 - Centre for ASEAN Studies has initiated the ASEAN Civil Society Conference which was held from 7th to 9th December 2005, in conjunction with the 11th ASEAN Summit Malaysia is playing host to this year. The organiser are hopeful that the theme of the conference , 'Building A Common Future Together ' will provide a framework from where stakeholders can move forward to concretise ideas and concepts into workable solutions...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kunjungan GPTD Kemboja ke Pejabat GPTD

Anjung Rahmat - 4 Disember - GPTD menerima kunjungan daripada GPTD Kemboja seramai 5 orang yang rata-rata semuanya belajar di Kolej Dar al-Hikmah, Kajang. Taklimat mengenai operasi GPTD telah disampaikan oleh saudara Mohd Khairudin Mohd Nor iaitu Penyelaras GPTD yang baru. Mereka sedang giat menjalankan persiapan untuk melakukan khidmat sosial di Kemboja susulan dari projek pertama iaitu pada bulan Mei yang lepas. GPTD Kemboja yang mendapat bimbingan...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Kenali Al-Imam Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad

Ampang, Kuala Lumpur - 3 Disember 2005 - Semenjak peninggalan Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi bin Muhammad Al-Haddad hampir tiga ratus tahun yang lalu, cahaya ilmunya terus mengalir dan menyentuh kalbu sesiapa sahaja yang diberi taufiq oleh Allah s.w.t. untuk mempelajarinya. Dengan tujuan mengingati serta mencebis sedikit pengajaran dan barakah yang sekian lama ditaburi dan dimafaati oleh sebahagian umat Islam di merata dunia, maka satu majlis hol...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Smiles Of Thousand Happiness…

Tasmania, Australia - November 20, 2005 - Alhamdulillah, Hobart Mosque was officially opened by Dato' Sri Effendi Norwawi. He came to Hobart with 8 of his colleagues who are ex- student of University OF Tasmania. Sitting in front from left, Dato' Dr. Hasan Ismail, Madehi Kolek, Ex-Lord Mayor of Sarawak, Me, Dato Sri Effendi Norwawi, Imam Sabri, Dr Ameer Ali, AFIC President, Haroon Hanan, President of Islamic Centre Of Tasmania Trust Inc. Dato Dr...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Humanitarian Forum 2005

Nov 29, 2005 - The Grand Plaza Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur - Islamic Relief Malaysia Berhad had organized Workshop on Building partnership between Muslim NGOs and the International Community. Bro. Azril Mohd Amin, Vice President of ABIM, Bro. Shirajuddin Sirat, GPM Manager and Bro. Jufitri Joha, GPTD Chairman had participated in this very beneficial workshop. For more info please surf www.islamic-relief.com.my. Islamic Relief is an international...