Monday, May 08, 2006

Islamic Syria Civilization Talk & GPTD Activities This Week

May 6, 2006 – Anjung Rahmat - Civilisational Research Bureau of GPTD succesfully organized a talk on Islamic Syria Civilisation delivered by Ustaz Hasyrul Niezam Abdul Haniff. He graduated from Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro School based in Damascus, Syria

Meanwhile, GPTD with a cooperation of GEMPA PKPIM organized Volunteers Workshop Series 2 in order to expose the participants with the volunteerism knowledge. It was held at GPTD office.

May 5, 2006 - Anjung Rahmat - GPTD conducted a special session with Vice President International ABIM, Brother Azril Mohd Amin to share his experience while was participating in Australia - Malaysia Youth Exchange recently. Besides that, other topics were discussed viz Southern of Thailand issue, International Islamic Federation of Students Organizations (IIFSO) conference in Jakarta on this coming mid of May and Conference in Istanbul on end of May.

May 4, 2006 - Putrajaya - GPTD visited Personal Assistant to Minister of Youth and Sport Malaysia, Y.B. Datuk Azalina Othman Said to invite Y.B to be a patron in GPTD Civilisation and Muslim Travellers Seminar on June. GPTD also invited her to officiate that particular seminar.